Worship at St Luke's

Sunday Services start at 10:30 am and are led by our Minister, Rev Ramsay Shields. 

If you are visiting and worshipping with us for the first time, then please make yourself known to one of the Duty Team and we pray that you feel at home in our midst.  

At the end of the Service teas and coffees are served in the Session House, so if you can spare a few moments to join us, we will make you very welcome.

It's our prayer that you know God's presence & His richest blessings as we meet to worship Him and spend time in His Word.

Holy Communion

Communion elements

Prior to Covid-19, we celebrated Holy Communion on a formal basis 4 times a year.  We also held informal Communion on the last Sunday of each month.  We are hoping to resume this Holy sacrament very shortly, using pre-sealed Communion packs.  Everyone is welcome to share in the Lord's Supper.